Friday, August 26, 2011

Northern Hurricane Survival Tips

*Make lots of ice…you can use it to drink as well as helping to keep your freezer and refrigerator cold if the power goes out, also invest in bottles of water and freeze them!
*Get paper plates, plastic cups and utensils to replace your regular stuff – you may not be able to wash dishes for a few days
*If you lose power, shine a flashlight toward the ceiling to illuminate the entire room, also get solar energy lights to set outside during the day and use them at night!
*If you have a grill, get lots of propane or charcoal – (DONT USE IT INDOORS) you have no idea what extremes you will go to if you’ve been without coffee for 2 or 3 days plus, you can cook food that is in danger of spoiling. You may wind up having a block party if everyone is in the same boat.
*Consider getting a kit that will boil one cup of water chemically. Campmore has them.
*Remove or tie down anything in your yard that may become a projectile.

*Get lots of cash and gas
*Get a book you’ve always been meaning to read.
*MOST IMPORTANT: Fill your tub with water and have a bucket handy and use the water from the tub so you can flush your toilet after going potty!
*It’s a dangerous time. Even afterward there may be no traffic lights, wires and trees in the road and obstacles everywhere you try to go. Stores will be closed, no ATMs and no electronic media will be working. Think of it as an adventure in the 19th century. Good luck.

We hear about kids who want to be doctors or teachers or internet moguls or Jersey Shore cast members,
but how often do we hear them say “I want to be a real estate agent when I grow up”? A career in real
estate sales is a surprisingly good choice for the millennial generation.
1. Self determination
allows them the flexibility to set their own hours and work
today’s young people demand a career that
2. Unlimited income potential
comfortable lifestyle while they’re still young enough to enjoy it.
With multiple income streams (listing, selling and sponsoring) this is
kids expect to achieve a
3. Mentorship
who will show them the ropes and guide them.
kids want a mentor rather than a boss; someone
4.Civic and green-minded
young woman addressing other youth about the environment
saying “I think we can do a better job, don’t you?” Kids want their life’s
work to align with their principles.
there is a popular TV ad depicting a
5. Technology
only comfortable with it; gadgets, gizmos and the net are
engrained into their every day life. The real estate industry is typically
an early adopter of technology.
While sources vary, most say that the millennial generation was born
between 1980 and 2001 and many are graduating this spring. While this
generation isn’t afraid of hard work, they do want the flexibility and
lifestyle not available through more traditional job paths. So the next
time you’re having the career talk with your kids, consider this: a career
in real estate allows today’s young adults to reach their full potential
while affording the flexibility they crave. Then direct them to the next


*I am energetic
*I am thankful, grateful and appreciative for all that I am and all that I have
*I feel wonderful
*I am totally resilient

this generation grew up with technology and is not

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